Indian River Community Foundation’s clients have spent a lifetime giving back. Many of the charities that receive these dollars are in fragile financial positions, yet they continue to do more. More to help vulnerable children, struggling families, and fragile seniors. More to promote the arts. More to protect and preserve the environment. All during a period of the largest intergenerational transfer of wealth in American history. The Community Foundation is pursuing the following leadership initiatives to support and sustain a healthy nonprofit sector in our community.
Giving Forward is a $50 million leadership initiative launched in 2024 encouraging generous people to make charitable gifts to permanent endowment funds today that were originally planned as charitable bequests in the future. These funds will support the following priorities:
Endowment Partners helps local charities plan for long-term sustainability. Over 12 months, participants learn about planned giving, investments, and marketing solutions to help establish and grow permanent endowments than can sustain their operations into the future. Current Endowment Partners include the following: