Community Foundation Awards $160,000 to Five Local Nonprofits

Indian River Community Foundation awarded grants totaling $160,000 to nonprofit charitable organizations serving Indian River County. The grants were reviewed by a Grants Committee comprised of volunteers Suzanne Bertman, Pat Brier, Toni Hamner, Dale Jacobs, Wanda Lincoln, Ed Massey, Dawn Michael, Angelia Perry, and Larry Salustro. The grants were awarded from the Community Enrichment Fund, and included the following:
- $50,000 to Indian River Healthy Start Coalition for data sustainability.
- $50,000 to New Port Club of Vero Beach for replacement of the roof and HVAC systems at the facility housing substance use recovery programs.
- $25,000 to Literacy Services for North County Programs.
- $25,000 to Saint Edward's School for the renovation and expansion of the Becker Pool.
- $10,000 to Economic Opportunities Council of IRC for interactive flat panel displays for Citrus Head Start Center.

While most of the Community Foundation’s grants are awarded by clients through donor advised funds, Indian River Community Foundation’s competitive grant program is made possible through the generosity of anonymous donors to several grantmaking funds, including the Community Enrichment Fund. These valuable resources support the Community Foundation’s mission of building a better community through donor-driven philanthropy.

Indian River Community Foundation was established in 2008 with a mission of building a better community through donor-driven philanthropy. With assets of approximately $90 million in 200 charitable giving accounts, the Community Foundation and its clients have awarded more than $80 million in grants, mostly to nonprofit charitable organizations located in Indian River County, Florida. Visit to learn more.

Photo Identifications in this Article:
Economic Opportunities Council: Jeff Pickering CEO of Indian River Community Foundation, Angela Davis-Green and Frank Johnson of Economic Opportunities Council, along with IRCF Board Member Patricia Brier.
Saint Edward's School: Stuart Hirstein, Head of School at Saint Edward's School with Jeff Pickering, CEO of Indian River Community Foundation.
Healthy Start Coaltion: (back left) Ashley Watson, Shelby Scheuermann, Autumn Schneider, Bridgette Jerger, Alexandra Arias. (front left)Front left- Jeff Pickering, CEO of Indian River Community Foundation, Karen Campbell, Christina Cassell, Andrea Berry.
Literacy Services of IRC: Jeff Pickering, CEO of IRCF; Walter, Elizabeth, and Tyler, students of Literacy Services; Elida Gomez, Community Engagement Coordinator, Jessica Schmitt, Executive Director, and Leslye Casas, Program Support Specialist all of Literacy Services.