Endowment Partner Spotlight: Senior Resource Association

Senior Resource Association was established in 1974 to promote independence and dignity in our community by providing services to older adults and transportation for all. One of their programs to promote dignity in our community is the Public Guardianship Service. The Office of Public & Professional Guardians (OPPG) has contracted SRA to provide guardianship services to individuals without family or friends to care for them. The services included in this program are legal, medical, and financial. Examples of services that Registered Professional Guardians provide are attending court hearings, making medical decisions, and maintaining bank and/or trust accounts. There are 26 Registered Professional Guardians in Indian River County as of March 30, 2022.
Senior Resource Association is also a part of our Endowment Partners Program (EPP). The purpose of the EPP is to help local charities plan for their long-term sustainability by growing a permanent endowment fund. During a 12-month program, participants learn about endowments, planned giving, investment management and marketing solutions that inspire loyal donors to make planned gifts from their estates. The program is coordinated by IRCF team member Yamilet Cendejas.
To learn how to give outright contributions today or bequests and other planned gifts for future support, please see “Planned Giving: Leave a Legacy” under our “Giving” section or go to the Senior Resource Association.