Girls on the Run of the Treasure Coast

Girls on the Run of the Treasure Coast has fun, evidence-based programs that inspire all girls to build their confidence, kindness and decision making skills. The organization is committed to ensuring access for all participants, regardless of their financial situation. Recently, Indian River Community Foundation awarded $10,000 from the Community Enrichment Fund to support Girls on the Run.

Meeting in small teams, trained volunteer coaches empower girls of all abilities to strengthen confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity. The Girls on the Run researched-based curriculum is structured around understanding ourselves, valuing relationships and teamwork, and recognizing how we can shape the world at large. Participants gain critical life skills that strengthen their potential at a time when societal pressures and conflicting messages can cause doubt and uncertainty. The programs focus on confidence, competence, care, connection and character to strengthen emotional and physical health, supporting participants in boldly pursuing their dreams.