Weekly Insights: Place of Hope
Place of Hope is a faith-based, state licensed children and families organization offering housing and support services designed to end the cycles of abuse, neglect, homelessness, poverty, and human trafficking. Since its inception in 2001, Place of Hope has served over 20,000 children, youth and families; found homes for 300+ aged out or homeless youth and families; 360 forever families found for foster children through adoption; 600+ siblings were kept together. The following is one of the many success stories coming out of Place of Hope Treasure Coast.

After two years in foster care, one of Place of Hope’s foster families was able to officially adopt their foster daughter, Aaliyah, this May. Now with her adoptive family Aaliyah knows she is loved and deeply cherished. The nearly nine-year-old entered foster care in May of 2019 and lived in a shelter for three months. Since being adopted by her foster family, Aaliyah has gone from weekly behavioral issues to a seldom occurrence every few months. Aaliyah’s case coordinators have seen a dramatic positive change in this young girl’s life since being with her adoptive family. She is an avid reader, loves math and science, dancing and using her imagination. We are thrilled to share the good news of Aaliyah’s progress and cannot wait to hear what this smart, kind girl will achieve in the future.
Weekly Insights works in conjunction with Indian River Indicators. Indian River Indicators was launched in June 2021 and originated after the completion of the 2019 Indian River Community Needs Assessment. It provides key data and information about our community that is updated annually and can be used to support and sustain proven programs. It can also be used by community leaders to develop policy, promote promising practices and inspire innovation that can lead to solutions to persistent community challenges. Indian River Community Foundation holds monthly informational sessions to introduce the community to this new resource. The next session will be held on Tuesday, April 5th at 4pm via zoom. Please email Foundation Coordinator, Chiaka Nwosu, at chiaka@ircommunityfoundation.org to attend a session.
To learn more visit www.ircommunityfoundation.org and click “Indian River Indicators” or contact a member of the Community Foundation’s team at 772.492.1407.