United Way Delivers Education Grants to 15 Organizations
By: Alexander Sylvia
United Way of Indian River County has a long tradition of carrying out its mission of helping people live their best possible lives. United Way seeks to better our community through unity, bringing the people of Indian River County together to raise funds, give grants and volunteer. Recently, United Way announced grants totaling $788,112 to fifteen local nonprofit agencies that work in the area of education from a two-year grant cycle from July 2021 through June 2023.
Due to the complications from COVID-19, United Way had to do things a little differently this past year. The organization reached out in February to search for volunteers to virtually serve on their Citizen Review Panels. United Way utilizes Citizen Review panels, made up of community volunteers, to field grant applications and find programs that benefit identified deficiencies in our community. This past year, the Citizen Review Panels have been meeting online to identify community issues and advise the United Way Board of Directors in their donation.

These donations to the fifteen education based organizations are being made to reach United Way's 2021-2023 community goals. Those goals are:
- To increase to 85% the children who enter Kindergarten ready to succeed
- To increase to 90% of 3rd Graders who are performing on grade Level and increase their positive behaviors
- To increase to 90% the students who graduate on time from High School
Using Indian River Indicators, we can see how United Way’s funding priorities align with community needs. Indian River Indicators shows the county's data related to these goals, and a projection of where the data is trending. For example, currently 58% of children who enter Kindergarten do so ready to succeed. Indian River Indicator's interactive data charts shows how far we've come and more importantly, how far we have to go to reach the goal of 85%. To view an Indian River Indicators report based on United Way's goals, click here.
If you would like to help United Way reach their goals, either by volunteering or donating, click on the buttons below!