Weekly Insights: Junior League of Indian River
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 37.9% of Florida women and 29.3% of Florida men experience intimate partner dating violence, intimate partner sexual violence and/or intimate partner stalking in their lifetimes.

This week, Indian River Community Foundation staff members, Chiaka Nwosu and Brooke Sauserman are participating in Junior League's Little Black Dress Initiative (LBDI). Founded in 2014 by the Junior League of London, the Little Black Dress Initiative is a social media-driven awareness campaign & fundraiser.
Members wear one black dress (or outfit) and a LBDI button for 5 consecutive days to:
1. Raise awareness of gender-based violence
2. Illustrate how economic stability is a part of domestic violence
3. Raise funds supporting their focus area, ending gender-based Violence
The initiative will be raising money for SafeSpace of IRC to help local women & families affected by domestic violence.
Click here to support the Little Black Dress Initiative.

Junior League of Indian River empowers Indian River County women by helping them develop civic leadership skills, then giving them the tools to put their unique talents to work in our community. Right now, Junior League's primary focus of violence against women requires immediate action, and their multi-faceted approach is making an impact.