Gone but Not Forgotten, Community Foundation Remembers Four Generous Friends

As the Community Foundation’s fiscal year ends, we are mindful of the generous members of the Alma Lee Loy Legacy Society who we lost this year. Because of their generosity, a total of more than $5 million in planned gifts were made from the estates of Louis Lawson, Bob Theis, Alma Lee Loy and Bob McCabe to permanent endowments supporting the causes they loved in perpetuity.
Louis Lawson passed away at the age of 78 on October 9, 2019. The retired Life Insurance Company Home Office Executive and talented singer donated his time and resources to many local charities. To name a few, Mr. Lawson gave to Cleveland Clinic Scully-Welsh Cancer Center, Gifford Youth Achievement Center, Hibiscus Children’s Center, Humane Society of Vero Beach, Indian River State College Foundation, and Vero Beach Opera.
Bob Theis passed away on November 8, 2019 at the age of 95. His generosity spread from Syracuse, NY to Vero Beach, FL where he gave to Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital, Vero Beach Museum of Art, and local charities serving the homeless.
Alma Lee Loy passed away at the age of 90 on April 10, 2020. The first lady of Vero Beach and namesake of our legacy society was a strong supporter of women’s rights and local philanthropic efforts. McKee Botanical Gardens, the First Baptist Church, Gifford Youth Achievement Center, Indian River Land Trust, United Way of IRC, Vero Beach Museum of Art all benefitted from her strong business sense and support.
Bob McCabe passed away at 81 on April 21, 2020. The investment banker and venture capitalist donated to local organizations such as the Environmental Learning Center, Humane Society of Vero Beach, and United Way of IRC. Mr. McCabe and his wife Ellie also worked with the Mental Health Collaborative of IRC to establish the McCabe Connections Center, which offers mental health and substance abuse services and the Endowment for Better Mental Health in Indian River County.
The Alma Lee Loy Society honors donors who have entrusted Indian River Community Foundation with their charitable legacy. To learn more about making a planned gift from an estate, visit www.ircflegacy.org or call 772.492.1407.