Head, Heart, and Hands of Indian River Club has awarded their annual grants, decided by a local advisory board. Twenty-six organizations were recipients of a total of $198,350 in grants. The Head, Heart and Hands Community Outreach program, formed in 2013, utilizes a multi-faceted approach. The...
Eric Toomsoo, Dr. Timothy McNamee and Shaun Dibble of the Vero Beach Lifeguard Association, and Jeff Pickering, Indian River Community Foundation CEO. The Vero Beach Lifeguard Association is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote lifeguarding and water safety in Vero Beach and the...
Indian River Community Foundation continues to award multiple matching grants to local organizations from the Community Enrichment Fund. Matching grants are funds conditional on the nonprofit's ability to raise an equivalent amount of funds. This type of grant allows Indian River Community Foundation to double the impact...
(Vero Beach, Fla. – December 16, 2020) Indian River Community Foundation awarded grants totaling $200,000 to nonprofit charitable organizations serving Indian River County. The grants were reviewed by a Grants Committee comprised of volunteers Pat Brier, Toni Hamner, Dale Jacobs, Ed Massey, Sandy Rolf, and...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE0cbkMsNS4&feature=youtu.be In the video above, Andrea Berry, Executive Director of IR Healthy Start Coalition, introduces the Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Report (FIMR). The report includes both qualitative and quantitative data from our community surrounding maternal child health and presents findings about what contributes to...
By Jeff Pickering, President and CEO 2020 was a tough year for everyone in our community. For the 50 percent of Indian River County households who live in poverty, however, the health and financial impact of COVID-19 and the global pandemic has been devastating, leaving...
This giving season Indian River Community Foundation awarded a grant of $5,000 to Bike Walk Indian River County from the charitable giving account of an anonymous client. This donation will help Bike Walk carry out their mission to promote safe bicycling and walking as transportation...
Indian River Community Foundation’s 12th year of operation was one that can be categorized as successful, albeit not in the way that we had planned. After getting off to a relatively good start with a new strategic plan, a steady flow of new accounts, generous...
The Heal the Healers Now program, which focuses on Transcendental Meditation, is now available to local nurses at the Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital. The first Transcendental Meditation course was recently provided to eight nurses at the Hospital. Through performing the courses, certified teachers Nancy Dudley...