The Community Foundation is happy to announce that the Community Needs Assessment is now available on our website under the About menu. The Community Needs Assessment is the first in a decade and analyzes the needs of Indian River County residents. The Community Foundation will...
(Vero Beach, Fla. – May 28, 2020) Indian River Community Foundation recently awarded grants totaling $50,000 to nonprofit charitable organizations to support summer camp and childcare expenses being provided primarily to essential workers, first responders, and other low income families affected by the COVID-19 health...
The Community Foundation and United Way of Indian River County are continuing to support the COVID-19 Community Response Fund. The fund has raised more than $1 million so far to help vulnerable individuals and families in our community. Meredith Egan, COO, gives an update on...
As of April 20, 2020, United Way’s COVID-19 Community Response Fund has distributed out more than $413,000 to 18 local charitable nonprofits. Grants from the fund have focused on rent, utilities, food, baby needs, pets, and senior support assistance. The comprehensive break-down of organizations and their usage...
Gifford Middle School Dolphin SquadronPhoto Credit: Wyatt Hyora Indian River Community Foundation recently awarded a grant of $15,000 to the Youth Sailing Foundation from the Community Enrichment Fund. The grant will be used to support the organization’s Squadron Sailing Program for Elementary and Middle School...
Head, Heart, and Hands of Indian River Club has awarded their annual grants, decided by a local advisory board. Eighteen organizations were recipients of a total of $159,350 in grants. The Head, Heart and Hands Community Outreach program, formed in 2013, utilizes a multi-faceted approach....
From left: Donors Joanne Quaile of Toyota of Vero Beach, Kathie and Michael Pierce, and Robin Williams; Indian River Community Foundation CEO Jeff Pickering; and representing Mental Health Association in IRC are Dr. Nick Coppola, Amy Wagner, Angela Guzenski, and Sheana Firth. (Photo: Maureen Nicolace)...
(Vero Beach, Fla. – February 3, 2020) Indian River Community Foundation recently awarded a grant of $50,000 to Camp Haven from its Community Enrichment Fund. The grant was awarded after careful review by a Grants Committee comprised of volunteers Scott Alexander, Dale Jacobs, Mike McManus,...
(Vero Beach, Fla. – January 13, 2020) Indian River Community Foundation recently awarded grants totaling $155,000 to nonprofit charitable organizations serving Indian River County. The grants were reviewed by a Grants Committee comprised of volunteers Scott Alexander, Dale Jacobs, Mike McManus, Sandy Rolf and Larry...
Indian River Community Foundation awarded a grant of $10,000 to Little Birthday Angels from the charitable giving account of an anonymous client. Little Birthday Angels is a local organization that strives to, “provide a birthday celebration for every homeless child living on the Treasure Coast...