Indian River Community Foundation is proud to announce the launch of Indian River Indicators. This new program originated after the completion of the 2019 Indian River Community Needs Assessment and provides key data and information about our community that is updated annually and can be...
In January 2021, Indian River Community Foundation's Community Enrichment Fund awarded the Senior Resource Association with $35,000 to help replace the roof of their Sebastian DayAway facility. The new roof has been built and operations at the facility continue to carry on Senior Resource Association's...
Indian River Community Foundation is introducing a new online resource, Indian River Indicators, that can be used to track community needs and measure indicators of local health and prosperity. The resource was developed following the completion of the Indian River County Community Needs Assessment, a...
Vero Beach Lifeguard Association (VBLA) and Youth Sailing Foundation (YSF) are collaborating to bring the fun and joy of sailing to beginner sailors abroad VBLA’s sixteen-foot Hobie Getaway. The boat was in storage at YSF when VBLA’s Erik Toomsoo suggested YSF put the boat into...
Ken Grudens, Executive Director of IRLT with Jeff Pickering, Executive Director of IRCF. Indian River Community Foundation recently awarded $100,000 to Indian River Land Trust for their effort to protect the land that protects the lagoon. The IRLT grant was one of four totaling $170,000...
On May 3, 2021, Indian River Community Foundation invited members of their Alma Lee Loy Legacy Society and their Board of Directors to an Ice Cream Social to honor their mission and to remember the brilliant woman known as "First Lady of Vero Beach." Sean...
Indian River Community Foundation awarded grants totaling $170,000 to nonprofit charitable organizations serving Indian River County. The grants were reviewed by a Grants Committee comprised of volunteers Pat Brier, Toni Hamner, Dale Jacobs, Ed Massey, Sandy Rolf, and Larry Salustro. The grants were awarded from...
Indian River Community Foundation is excited to announce the establishment of the Vero Beach Woman’s Club Restoration Fund. The Restoration Fund will be used to collect charitable donations for expenses associated with the restoration of the historic building owned by the Vero Beach Woman's Club...
Ribbon Cutting, Mobile Mercado, March 17, 2021 In June 2020, Indian River Community Foundation granted $100,000 from its Community Enrichment Fund to the Treasure Coast Food Bank for the acquisition and outfit of the Mobile Mercado. The Mobile Mercado is set to carry out the...
Head, Heart, and Hands of Indian River Club has awarded their annual grants, decided by a local advisory board. Twenty-six organizations were recipients of a total of $198,350 in grants. The Head, Heart and Hands Community Outreach program, formed in 2013, utilizes a multi-faceted approach. The...