Approximately 5.5% of youth (ages 16-19) are neither working nor in school. Gifford Youth Achievement Center (GYAC) helps keep youth connected to our community by inspiring them to discover untapped talents and possibilities through educational, cultural, and social opportunities. GYAC's new Youth Employability Program is...
In Indian River County, there are approximately 18,910 Asset Limited, Income Constrained, and Employed (ALICE) households. In other words, 33% of households in our county earn above the Federal Poverty Level, but yet still not enough to afford basic necessities. These necessities include housing, childcare, food,...
According to the Treasure Coast Homeless Service Council, there are approximately 225 total homeless adults in Indian River County. Established in 2014, Camp Haven is the only transformational shelter for homeless and at-risk men of Indian River County. Camp Haven teaches the men to get...
According to the US Census Bureau, 11% of people in Indian River County do not have health insurance. This means that 17,287 individuals including both children and adults may not be able to receive the health care that they require. Sunshine Physical Therapy Clinic is...
In partnership with Vero Beach Magazine, Indian River Community Foundation’s President and CEO, Jeff Pickering, writes a monthly column called Indian River Insights. These articles explore the root causes of community needs, celebrate successes, analyze meaningful solutions, and offer insights into persistent challenges. In the...
As a major predictor of future earnings, life expectancy, and health outcomes, educational attainment affects more than students and families. At higher levels of education, we have greater opportunities for jobs that pay a living wage, offer health insurance, and pay for more than just the basics...
In partnership with Vero Beach Magazine, Indian River Community Foundation’s President and CEO, Jeff Pickering, writes a monthly column called Indian River Insights. These articles explore the root causes of community needs, celebrate successes, analyze meaningful solutions, and offer insights into persistent challenges. In the...
In partnership with Vero Beach Magazine, Indian River Community Foundation’s President and CEO, Jeff Pickering, writes a monthly column called Indian River Insights. These articles explore the root causes of community needs, celebrate successes, analyze meaningful solutions, and offer insights into persistent challenges. In the...
Of the 15,000 veterans living in Indian River County: 88% are age 65+, 34% are disabled, 24% are unemployed, and 5% live in poverty. One of the many programs at the Veteran's Council of Indian River County, Veterans Helping Veterans, provides home improvement repairs for...
Place of Hope is a faith-based, state licensed children and families organization offering housing and support services designed to end the cycles of abuse, neglect, homelessness, poverty, and human trafficking. Since its inception in 2001, Place of Hope has served over 20,000 children, youth and...