[caption id="attachment_3930" align="alignleft" width="200"] Hope Woodhouse, Jeff Pickering, and Meredith Egan Photo by 32963[/caption] The United Way of Indian River County and other groups are launching a Community Needs Assessment to get a handle on the scale of poverty and social need in an area...
The School District of Indian River County has begun its search for the new superintendent. One of the first steps of the search is to collect input from the community. This input will assist in developing a leadership profile that defines the qualities, characteristics, and...
Indian River Community Foundation recommends giving to one or more of the following organizations offering relief in the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian’s impact. These organizations are highlighted because they have existing operations or chapters in the region, the ability to incorporate a large influx of...
The Boys and Girls Club of Fellsmere are anxious to move into their new facility. BGC of Fellsmere originally opened in 2010 in the old school house building. The "Club" has since provided a home for educational and recreational resources to the children of Fellsmere....
The relocation of the 110-year-old Florida cracker home is preparing to be on its way to its new host at the Mueller Campus of Indian River State College. The move is on track to be completed this summer. Laura Riding Jackson Foundation will continue its...
Our visit to ORCA's new Center for Citizen Science was nothing short of impressive. The lab, previously used for groundwater treatment and monitoring, will be put to use again after eight vacant years. The location of this facility will provide more opportunities for programs with...
New Tax Law: New Charitable Planning The Tax Cut Jobs Act of 2017 changed the landscape for charitable giving. While charitable giving has never only been motivated by tax deductions, those deductions have been an important part of the planning process and have often...
“Today is a big day for us. We kick off our year and mark the beginning of our second decade,” said Denise Battaglini, Impact 100 board president, welcoming everyone to the 11th annual Impact 100 Membership Kickoff Brunch last Wednesday morning at the Oak...
(Vero Beach, Fla. – August 10, 2018) Since its establishment in 2008, Indian River Community Foundation (“IRCF”) has carried out a mission of building a better community through donor-driven philanthropy by helping generous residents of Vero Beach and the surrounding area to simplify their giving...
Indian River Community Foundation awarded a competitive grant of $45,000 to the Indian River County Healthy Start Coalition to partially support its Healthy Families of Indian River County program, which provides home visitations to families at risk for child abuse or domestic violence. Grant funds...